It's mostly in mourning for my country being saddled with four more years of the cowboy. (Part of it, I must admit, is because I was afraid I'd have to re-ink the printer cartridge of my nearly brain-dead co-worker. I got lucky on that one.)
I'm a no-damned-dimer today. That's part good planning and part being broke.
The mortgage company called today to remind me I forgot to give them money this month. They're the idiots who stopped the automatic debit. They can wait until tomorrow. Anyone stupid enough to give up easy money isn't going to break my resolve at giving it away.
At least it's only four more years. Considering dubya, it's going to be a long and harrowing four years, though. Spreading freedom across the world is scary when it comes from his lips.
Wake up tomorrow and realize there are only 1460 more days of Shrub. Then take a nail and scape a line into your bedroom wall right next to your bed. It's only a four year sentence and we can do that standing up - or maybe marching.