from a friend on another board. She lives in Canada. I will use her exact words (with her permission):
"Every so often, we have two guys, (David and Robert)come over to our group home for lunch. They are way higher functioning than the men I support but everybody gets along and it's usually fun. Anyway, today, we happened to have Dubya's Inaugural Extravaganza on in the background but weren't really paying attention to it (for obvious reasons). I was worried at one point however that David seemed to be was getting agitated and asked him if he was okay. Get this. He said: "They are having a big party in the USA after all of those people got killed by the big waves. Everybody knows about the big waves. The USA is bad." This guy was really pissed and we sprinted to turn off the tv as he can be a scary customer when provoked. We all had a pretty good talk about how Bush is only the president and not the whole country, and how most Americans really do care about other places. BTW, David gave all one hundred bucks of his Christmas money to the Red Cross. We love this guy. I feel like dropping old Dubya a line and telling him that a mentally-handicapped guy I know seems to have more sense than he does. "