on an aduLt website i happened across, the owner advertised the 'not a damn dime day' protest and the freepers came out of the wood to bitch - and aLL they taLked about was cLinton. i reaLLy hate peopLe most days.
----------------------------------- freeper 1: do you realize that Clinton spent about the same amounts? why didn't you guys want to send a "Message" to corporate America as well as the rest of the socialists in Europe and around the world then?
is it because of blind hate?
freeper 2: I voted for Bush and damn proud of it. Clintons' last bash cost more than 40 million, and the taxpayers were tha ones who paid most of it.
sniffa: i'm gLad you voted for bush i eagerLy await more stumbLing, more war, and more infLation. bring it on! but hey, at Least cLinton's not in office. my bLind hatred of him makes me overLook dubya's vast shortcomings.
pass the popcorn.
freeper 1: while you're enjoying your popcorn....
how many wars did clinton have us in that were of little or no strategic merit to us? what were the costs of each of those?
any idea what the cost of boznia was? What was our strategic interest there? don't know, eh? me neither, but we went and the carping and sniping stopped once we were there. (except for the extreme left-wing loonies who don't think there is any war worth fighting)
I guess you remember the Somalia deal, the USS cold deal, etc. from those episodes and others, Bin Laden and his band of goons interpreted that we were a bunch of scaredy cats. (well, actually some of us are and we know who they are, don't we?)
you libbies keep "misunderestimating" georgie peorgie, as he likes to say. He keeps one step ahead.
You all keep referring to George's inability to deliver a nice, elouquent speech and completely discounting his Ivy league pedigree , his M.B.A. and high I.Q. We had another president who also was a terrible public speaker but history views as one of our greatest presidents. Look up Thomas Jefferson and see what it says.
(the popcorn needs more butter on it)
sniffa: when your kid dies i'LL be enjoying my popcorn and thanking my Lucky stars cLinton isn't in office. that's aLL that matters, right?