Advice from a middle aged person who went through the doldrums at age 27.
If you are sad about your friend getting engaged, then that means that you are jealous and unhappy with your own life, which you openly admit in your post.
1. Jealousy is a useless emotion. Give it up. 2. You say that the world wants you to fail. Now, you know that's not true. The truth is...the world doesn't care if you succeed or fail. You do. And you are the only one who has enough control over your life in order to make it a success or a failure.
Let's say that the world DOES want you to fail - the world doesn't make your life choices for you, or your dating choices, or anything like that. The world does not have enough control over your life to really affect it one way or the other. Only you do.
3. Your job. You have a college degree but can't get a job. What was your major? How were your grades? Besides having a degree, do you know how to do something that someone needs to pay someone to do? That's why and how people get jobs. If you have a degree in philosphy and your gpa was 2.0....those were choices you made, and that will not get you far. You would then have to focus on learning how to actually DO something.
4. Your job. You will eventually get a job, if you keep trying. It's a certainty. Don't let this one thing get you too down. You are so young, with many years and wonderful experiences ahead of you. Keep applying. Then focus on what you want to do as a job. Do you have a chosen field? Decide what you want to do...something that interests you enough to do for 40 years. Eventually, you will get hired in that field IF you have the proper education and grades or training for it. You may have to go to school some more in order to work in your chosen field. Be prepared for that. Or look for a trainee job in your field.
5. Girls. All women do not hate you. Quit generalizing. You will find the right girl eventually. Some of the most dating guys I've known were not the best looking ones. It's a matter of CONFIDENCE. Get a book on confidence, and study it. Not just read it. STUDY IT. Confidence is the key with men. Then develop the ability to take rejection from one girl, and move on to the next. That's how guys gets lots of girls. If you are smitten with one in particular, go after her. If she turns you down, ask her if she minds if you try again later. That's how I met the guy I married...he didn't give up (but he asked permission to keep calling). And I'm going out with a guy now that I would not have looked at twice, but he called me numerous times, I got to know and like him. He asked persmission to keep calling. He's not very good looking, either. CONFIDENCE!
You're just going through a down period. It will pass. Everything passes. That's one thing you can take to the bank. Tomorrow is another day.