Is it me or is Coupling not that good of a show.
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Thu Oct-02-03 08:57 PM
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Is it me or is Coupling not that good of a show. |
I haven't had a laugh yet, and it's almost over. Is anyone watching this and impressed by the writing, or am I correct in thinking it pretty much sucks.
Hell Hath No Fury
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Thu Oct-02-03 09:02 PM
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It's crap - I watched the first epsiode and it was lifeless and unfunny.
I am a huge fan of the British version of it, so I can only recommend that you ditch NBC for BBCAmerica. :)
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Thu Oct-02-03 09:17 PM
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2. The BBC does all the shows we steal from them better |
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Thu Oct-02-03 09:19 PM
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Both are crude, though, although the Beeb beats us in that category yet again.
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Thu Oct-02-03 10:48 PM
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4. I don't even get the choice as to whether or not to watch it. |
My local NBC station is WNDU (owned by Notre Dame). It is one of two network affiliates not airing the show (the other is in Salt Lake City). It doesn't meet "community standards" or some such rot. Sometimes I feel like I'm living in Conservative Hell!
I enjoy the original BBC version. I probably would be disappointed in the American version, but I would at least like the opportunity to make that decision for myself.
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Fri Oct-03-03 08:32 AM
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5. The British version is far superior |
The dialogue is basically the same...minus the Bush talk last night perhaps...but the British characters are so much better. The NBC version isn't even funny.
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Fri Oct-03-03 08:38 AM
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6. A rip off of a ripoff of a rip off |
Seinfeld ripped off by Friends which was ripped off to make the British version of Coupling which was ripped off to make the American version.
But that brunette (who was on Ed) is amazing looking.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:48 AM
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