Ironically enough, I did my internship with Senator Tomassoni and know Senator Metzen as well. They are both big goofballs, but the fact that one of them pulled a "W" move is hilarious! Thankfully he is doing just fine!
Excerpts from the article:
"Minnesota Senate President Jim Metzen is a wily parliamentarian who knows all the maneuvers, and was familiar enough with one outside the political realm -- the Heimlich maneuver -- that he may have saved a colleague's life with it Tuesday afternoon."
"Tomassoni wasn't far into the burger "when he looked at me funny, his eyes were watering and he was pointing at his throat," Metzen said Wednesday. Although he's had no formal training in the Heimlich, Metzen said he knew enough to get behind his lunch-mate, grab him in a bear hug and begin squeezing vigorously."
"After three or four squeezes, the burger bite was dislodged, Metzen said, adding of his northern Minnesota friend: "He's a great American and I gotta take care of those
Rangers. ... He'll be able to vote another day""