So I watched
"The Jesus Factor"an online documentry from PBS which explores Bush being a Born-again Christian.
If your too lazy to watch it, then I'll sum it up for ya.
Part One: A Life-Altering Decision ~ highlights.
- "rags to riches" introduction about George Bush.... when times were tough in his life he started going to church.
- He has a drinking problem, decieded that turning to god was the only way to beat his demons starts going to church to save his marriage. becoming a "born-again" christian.
- He later joined a church group who believed that reading the bible daily was more important than church....jebus...these are the people they call "conservative evangelicals"
- sounds like George feels he's the poster child or born again christianity...
- christians like to vote....especially evangelical christians....they are people who dress up at political rally's. file footage and everything
- Bush Sr. had alot of christian followers, even the evangelicals (82% of them)... However Bush Sr. knew nothing about evangelicals so he pointed them towards his son. GW and gave him Texas.
Part Two - Putting Faith Into Action ~ Highlights
- George becomes a politician...because he can.
- GW says "You have to believe in christ to go heaven", Barbera Bush says "Listen, don't worry about it", GW whips out his bible, finds the passage and say "LISTEN, BITCH you gotta believe in christ to go heaven, seriouse"
- GW wins Governor of Texas ~ victory song "god bless texas"
- memo to his staff about his governing philosophy "we serve ourselves to one greater then ourselves" PBS documentry guys say "holy shit"
- 2nd term sworn in at a church ~ Church minister looks GW in the eyes and says "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH YOUR LIVE" the building shakes.
- George on national TV endorses god over all else ~ video footage of the event, goosbumbs.
During the 2000 presidential election campaign.
- 40% of americans say they are born again christians
- 70% of them vote Republican
- Karl Rove is somewhere drooling
--- Evangelical doesnt sound good on TV....lets call it compassionate conservative.
Part 3:The Faith-Based Initiative
- Bush becomes President.
- puts forth "faith based intiatives" ~ 1.1 Billion to religious groups
- hmmm thats against the 1st amendment
- fight in congress...GW says shut-up holds up a bible and calls an Executive Order
- coat hanger abortions come next.
- So our PBS doc team now tries to find out where the 1.1 Billions is going ~ They go to the dept. of health of human services and they can only trace 100 Million which has all gone to christian groups... no muslim, no catholic, no jewish, no athiest......
Part 4:Invoking God and Faith~ highlights
- Sept 14th:GW holds a prayer service for Sept 11th victims, declares war on terrorists.
- Evangelics are on heaven on earth... a Born again Christian becomes the most powerful person in the world!!!
- some more file footage of old Bush speechs after Sept 11th... shitting my pants, why am I watching this.
- Bush compares America to the Bible... experts say "that's bad theology"...then they shit their pants.
- Footage of Bush talking about how he will on appoint judges who are only one with god.
- Im in a cold sweat, its 9am, I probably should get to bed (I work the night shift)
- And the movie concludes, Bush is still president and it ends with him reading a bible in a church and the PBS doc people playing thier case that he is the most religiouse president ever, and that Christians everywhere think he's king shit....It's funny because this documentry was shot awhile back and since then Bush got voted back into office and has mentioned he is going to sweep the globe with freedom and liberty....wait a minute thats not funny at all.
/ I'm not religious but I can see why it is easy to be on this guys don't have to think about anything other then what the book says.