Edited on Sat Jan-22-05 07:51 PM by Skip Intro
I manage a cell phone store and at the location I currently work, I have a wide view of the huge parking lot in front of this shopping mall.
During the morning, flocks of sea gulls, and some smaller black birds - I don't know which breed, descend upon this parking lot and "sit" there until about noon.
There are vast areas of this parking lot that are always unused (bush's economy rocking here), and that's where the birds choose to hang out. There is no traffic where they sit, and they are easily, very very easily, avoided by drivers. Any contact with a car would take effort on the driver's part.
When I left work one eve, I noticed that there was a bird far out in the lot that was still there. As I drove near, I could see that he'd been hit by a car - blood had oozed out of his chest, and he was dead. Since then I keep an eye on the lot, as if I could protect the birds if they needed it.
Well, today, I was standing outside, just watching them, when a white pickup truck goes out of its way to run thru the flock of birds that were resting there today. He speeds across their hang out, and they scatter for their lives. The driver pulls his truck up to the Blockbuster store a few doors down, passing me as I yelled "did you kill any of them," and what do think is on his back window? - a &*&%^$ "W" sticker.
I used to think these bush people were just misguided, well-meaning people. But they're not. They're fucking arrogant assholes. And one day, I'm gonna help karma say hello to a few of them.
Sorry, just had to get that off my chest.