... I have a family and most co-workers who are lockstep conservatives. I get a chance to try out my ideas here. The people running the board give me a chance at the front page once in a while. When those articles are read or reprinted elsewhere, it tells me, maybe, I'm on the right track with an idea.
I also have an abiding belief in the power of research and an understanding of history to change things, and I do my best in that regard for what I conceive to be the best interests of the people here--information is power.
And, my mother says that I'm much like my grandfather. Under his picture in his WWI squadron scrapbook, there is the caption, "No day is complete without an argument." :P
If I think that a particular thread on a candidate is just a flame-fest, I ignore it. If there's something particularly troublesome to me about some figure, I post it and go on my way.
It's been repeated often, and attributed to many people, but the phrase, "Democracy is a messy process" applies here.