OK, so I'm eating peanuts (in the shell) and I'm encountering a few mind-bending problems. (I've had a few post-work beers)
1) You're sitting there, chomping on peanuts, enjoying the salty goodness, when you chomp into one that, on the outside looks fine, but tastes like complete crap!
2) I just opened a peanut that was, heretofore, a sealed, 2-compartment nut. Cracked it open and counted only one nut. Where did the other one go?
3) Opening a fine, 2-compartment nut, expecting to find the fraternal peanut twins...similar in appearance and taste. Find one perfectly shaped and roasted nut, the other, a shriveled, hard mass 1/32nd the size of it's sibling. What happened here?
I suggest forming an international oversight committee to ensure the uniform quality of peanuts. I'll be the president.