How do I get rid of these annoying damn pop-ups from Messenger Service?
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Fri Oct-03-03 04:29 PM
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How do I get rid of these annoying damn pop-ups from Messenger Service? |
Until recently it was enough to close Messenger Service after booting my machine but for about a week now that no longer works. And they are coming with increasing frequency. Yegads - when I sat down to my PC two hours ago there were 26 of them I had to close before I could do anything.
And you know what REALLY chaps my ass - most of the pop-ups are advertisements promoting products that prevent pop-ups! Fuckers!
I have a firewall - BlackIce. Maybe I should change some settings? I am programming savvy but network illiterate.
Any advice from techies?
I was rudely interuppted no less than THREE TIMES while writing this message by a pop-up.
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Fri Oct-03-03 04:32 PM
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1. Google "disable messenger service" |
the directions are laid out very simply (they'd have to be-I'm very limited in my abilities). I did 2 months ago and have only had a few since.
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Fri Oct-03-03 04:34 PM
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Windows 2000 1. Click Start-> Settings-> Control Panel-> Administrative Tools->Services 2. Scroll down and highlight "Messenger" 3. Right-click the highlighted line and choose Properties. 4. Click the STOP button. 5. Select Disable or Manual in the Startup Type scroll bar 6. Click OK
Windows XP Home 1. Click Start->Settings ->Control Panel 2. Click Performance and Maintenance 3. Click Administrative Tools 4. Double click Services Scroll 5. down and highlight "Messenger" 6. Right-click the highlighted line and choose Properties. 7. Click the STOP button. 8. Select Disable or Manual in the Startup Type scroll bar 9. Click OK
Windows XP Professional 1. Click Start->Settings ->Control Panel 2. Click Administrative Tools 3. Click Services 4. Double click Services Scroll 5. down and highlight "Messenger" 6. Right-click the highlighted line and choose Properties. 7. Click the STOP button. 8. Select Disable or Manual in the Startup Type scroll bar 9. Click OK
Windows NT 1. Click Start ->Control Panel 2. Double Click Administrative Tools 3. Select Services-> Double-click on Messenger 4. In the Messenger Properties window, select Stop, 5. Then choose Disable as the Startup Type 6. Click OK
Windows 98 & ME unsure how to do it for them.
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Fri Oct-03-03 04:36 PM
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3. Ah! Very Helpful LuminousX!!! |
I'll give that a try!! I have WindowsXP
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Fri Oct-03-03 04:42 PM
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Saved your instuctions too.
Sheesh that was aggravating as hell!
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Thu Feb 27th 2025, 08:41 PM
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