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I need some feedback and I don't think belongs in GD, help please.

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anarchy1999 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-26-05 01:17 PM
Original message
I need some feedback and I don't think belongs in GD, help please.
Edited on Wed Jan-26-05 01:18 PM by anarchy1999
What would you do with this? Just delete? This came from my ex at 6:00am this morning and he never sends me e'mails. I especially hate chains such as this, I always just delete. I've spoken with him and he did send it. When I received it there were appx 120+ that had signed and sent on? I'm at a loss, I did respond, but I'd like some input. I signed our name and included two websites, and

Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 6:09 AM
Subject: Re: A race for God!

It will be interesting to see who responds! I told this guy that I
find 300 people who believe in God before he could find 300 people who
not believe in God. If you believe in God, please copy and paste this
onto a
blank e-mail form (leaving off the headers).

Add your name, and send it to your friends and family. If you happen to
the 300th person signing this, please send it back to:
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kick-ass-bob Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-26-05 01:18 PM
Response to Original message
1. Dump it.
Someone just wants to gather email addresses.
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madison2000 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-26-05 01:18 PM
Response to Original message
2. I don't like to encourage stuff like this because then you will just
get more and more of it. It serves no purpose, it means nothing. Its a waste of time. Delete it, by all means.
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Ian David Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-26-05 01:20 PM
Response to Original message
3. Send it here
Edited on Wed Jan-26-05 01:24 PM by IanDB1

Welcome to HoaxKill. The web service dedicated to telling as many people as possible not to forward useless petitions, urban legends and false virus warnings.
What is HoaxKill?
Most Internet users are familiar with virus warnings, chain letters and petitions which arrive in their mailbox. Many of these messages spread false information and waste a lot of bandwidth by asking you to forward them to all your friends.

The HoaxKill service was created to help you identify hoaxes and to actively combat them. To find out if a message is a hoax, you can look for it on this website.

Once you are certain that a message is a hoax, you can send it to Our software will then extract the addresses of all previous recipients from the message and inform them all that the message is a hoax.


You can also submit it to:

You receive an e-mail chain letter, and you know you shouldn't forward it to ten of your friends: they'll curse your name for clogging up their mailboxes and for wasting Internet bandwidth. But you don't want the bad karma that they say comes from breaking the chain...

At Chain Letters Anonymous, we understand the anxiety of breaking the chain. We want to help you overcome "forward-button addiction" and the superstitious intoxication that brings computer networks to a crawl.

Not everyone has the strength to quit cold turkey, and we fully understand. To help you gradually stop sending chain letters, volunteers at Chain Letters Anonymous are available 24-hours a day in case you "fall off the inbox" and really, really need to send a chain letter to ten of your friends.

But if you don't get help from us, please, please, do not send that chain letter to anyone else.

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anarchy1999 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-26-05 01:30 PM
Response to Reply #3
5. Sweet. thank you and I love it!
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johnnie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-26-05 01:21 PM
Response to Original message
4. This has been around for a while
I trash all that stuff. Most of the time I write to the person who sent it and ask them to leave me out of chain letters.
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