So when the customer gets to the window, and the order is fucked up, the poor employee has to say "Sorry, your order went to someone in California. Bitch at them."
or the employee will need to try to fix it, and have to call up corporate national ordering clearinghouse in California, and say "I have an order from store # whatever and order # whataver and they ordered blah blah and got blah blah and I need to fix it - can you send an updated order for him, and make sure the order retraction gets properly sent to the order retraction national clearing house in Woodbridge, Ontario as well as a copy to my monitor (JHY-8347394GHQ01) and my manager, and readjust the accounting balance through the accounting clearing house in Kuala Lumpur with copies to the same places as the new order...."
And then the person in California says "The computer here says that the customer ordered blah blah, just as the order we sent says. The mistake must have been made by the customer. Tell the customer that he needs to take the food that was given him, and he can file a complaint over the Internet. Then, we'll go back and check the recording tapes, and if we find out that the ordering representative made the error, we will refund to the customer whatever the difference was in 6-8 weeks."