Well, my local weekly free paper isn't quite the NY Times, but they have a pretty active "Speak Out" section and I try to get at least one published each week. I also like the "Universal Health Care", "Apology for Lies" and one of the "Bumper Sticker" ones about the SCLM... it's at least a week behind, so some items may be dated.
CBS & 60 Minutes I am sure many conservative Speak Outers will be writing about CBS and Dan Rather and their supposed liberal bias. I have several questions. First, several years ago, 60 Minutes ran a similar smear story with an even shadier source, Kathleen Willey, that was soon proved completely false. Why was there no CBS investigation, no public apology for embarrassing the president, and nobody fired because of this false story? Second, how can you call CBS's panel unbiased when one panelist worked for Bush's father and the other panelist helped kill a story involving Iran-Contra, which also involved the president's father? Third, could they also explain why CBS president Sumner Redstone, the man who appointed the panel, is on record as wanting the Republicans to win, yet nobody has questioned his objectivity? Finally, while the Willey story was proven false, the central facts of the 60 Minutes Bush National Guard service story have been corroborated by other sources. Why has that not been reported?
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