If anyone watched any of the confirmation hearings, especially for Gonzales, you would know how eloquent Boxer, Kennedy, Biden, Durbin and the other Dems were in their statements and questions. There were no unreasonable demands made of Gonzales or Rice; simply tell the truth. Both made conflicting statements, would not clarify, would not provide information, would not retract lies or admit they had made mistakes, both were extremely evasive-choosing instead to repeat Rovian talking points. Gonzales 'couldn't remember' much of anything he didn't want to remember. NONE of the Republicans defended (nor could they defend) the two candidates. The Repub statements re: Gonzales were brief (following a 'request' from the Repub chair, who was obsessing over time limits and wasted much time doing same, and which was meant to justify short responses) and included such banalities as "he came from a family of 10", "he didn't write that memo", "he filled out LOTS of paperwork", "he doesn't approve of 'torture'", "you're all just being SO partisan", "you just hate him 'cause he's Hispanic". Of course, the latter statement is designed to 'prove' to the world that it's Republitards that do the most for minorities. The Dems on the committee in the case of Gonzales were all united in their approval of the man as a person, yet concerned about his lack of candor and his evasiveness.