Here is her January 2005 Newsletter:
Dear Friends:
First of all, it is a shock for all of us to realize that so much devastation could take place in one big sweep of ocean! Our lifetime on this planet depends on so many things over which we have no control. My heart goes out to the masses of people who have been affected by the tragedy.
I have had the dream a number of times of a big wall of water baring down on me. Have you? I guess it is from the mass subconscious which probably holds all memories down through the ages don’t you think? Once, while working on a film called “Lost Flight,” with Lloyd bridges in Hawaii, a wave receded way out from the beach and we were told to run! Which we did, of course. A big wave came in, and went way up the beach and inland quite a distance. For the first time I understood how someone could disappear from the beach just taking a walk! Of course, that was not a tsunami. I don’t recall at the moment what they called it. Two stunt men who were out on the rocks got pretty badly bruised.
Maggie and I had a great time visiting Jane and Rob and Brian in Arlington. The weather was wonderful. Cold, but beautiful, and all the Christmas lights lent cheer to the evenings. We went to see the National Christmas tree on Christmas eve, and it really was windy and chilled out there, but beautiful, with smaller trees from all fifty states surrounding the big one which was covered with stars. Children were singing Christmas songs on a stage, and there was a huge bonfire to warm our hands. On the way back, we got a bit lost finding the Metro and were side tracked down one street, when out of nowhere a host of boisterous Santa Clauses came racing up the sidewalk towards us! At least ten of them, all of them fit and varying in age. It was quite a vision, and I thought of Brian’s wonder at the sight from his vantage point as Rob wheeled him forward into the “Ho Ho Hoing” melee! Two of the Santas leaned down and said “We’re Santa’s helpers. He can’t do it all himself!” And with many shouts of “Merry Christmas!” they were gone up the street. It sure made my evening. When we got back home, Rob got onto the internet and traced Santa’s whereabouts on the NORAD map for Brian.
We took a tour through the Pentagon which was fascinating. ‘Saw where the plane had hit, and the memorial to the people who were lost. Signed the visitor’s book, and thought much about the strangeness of the world’s ways. Later, Rob took us through more of the halls, as visitors. Very impressive, of course.
The day after Christmas we went to the Four Seasons for brunch. A change for Jane after all the Holiday cooking and baking! The drive was lovely through the trees and over wintry roads. ‘Being from New York, originally, I always get nostalgic when I see the eastern homes and bare trees under winter skies!
So, now it is time to greet the New Year with hope for the Human race. And before I forget, will Brian Clark please send me his address? I threw away the envelope to his letter. I thought he had the address in his letter! Tell me you’ve done something as silly?
Happy New Year to everyone!