Edited on Fri Jan-28-05 02:58 AM by AlienGirl
For a while now, I've noticed that Gideon (my cockatoo) has been predicting my panic attacks. When I'm about to get hit by one, he huddles close to my head and starts preening my hair. I suspect he's noticing slight changes in blood pressure that precede my brain going kaflooie.
Well, tonight we were out at a store, and Gideon did the same thing he does when I've got a panic coming on, only he said, "All-done!" which is his way of asking for food. Normally he doesn't do that unless he sees food nearby or is *really* hungry, and he'd eaten right before we left.
I was confused until, a few minutes later, I had a massive hypoglycemic "episode" come on and started shaking. Then I understood, he not only sensed that something was up, but *knew that I needed to eat to fix it*!
I just had to come brag about this, because this one isn't something I trained Gid to do--he figured it out on his own! :thumbsup: Smart birdie!