Loud noises and flashes of light at that hour of the morning tends to get the adrenlin racing.. Thought is was the cats in some sort of trouble
stumble around into the kitchen and flipped on a light - no light, tried another switch - nada....
Looked out the front window to see a Ford truck crashed into a utility pole across the street from our house. Pole is lying across the road. The crash was the truck hitting the pole, the flash of light was the transformer "exploding"
We scrambled for some clothes and the cell phone, ran outside punching in 911 to report it. The driver was stumbling around outside of his car - thankfully he was uninjured, just shook up... truck looks totaled to me, and is still sitting in a neighbor's driveway
Within 15 minutes of our call to 911 - three cop cars (one from each of the surrounding small towns) show up. Meanwhile our neighbors across the street and from down the road are also out there... Cops start putting down flares, and talking to the driver...
Two versions of the story of why the driver hit the pole - he worked a double shift (these are 12 hour shifts) and fell asleep at the wheel
2nd version is that he just finished working one shift, arrived home and was called back to work on some sort of emergency and then fell asleep at the wheel.
Electric co. crew showed up around 7:30 a.m. and proceeded with repairs, we had power back around 11:30 a.m., cable company moved in next and we had cable back aroun 1-ish, phone company just finished hooking the phone lines back up around 2:30ish
What a way to start the freaking weekend...