This may or may not be a stupid question, but I have been thinking about this. Most of the close friends that I have throughout my lifetime have become close friends within a short period of time. In a way, it has been sort of like love at first sight except that it was more like friendship at first conversation. I develop real emotional feelings for these friends and miss them if circumstances end or distance our friendship even if we have been friends for a relatively short period of time. There are other friends, who probably could be more properly aquaintances, that I have known for sufficently long periods of time and enjoy their company but don't have these feelings too. There are friends that I do develop emotional feelings for over longer periods of time, but generally I do not miss these friends as much as I do friends that I developed the feelings for over a shorter period of time if the friendship ends or is distanced. As far as I can tell, it is different from sexual attraction. I think this is a major barrier for me in making new friends. If I don't have this type of attraction to people, I have a hard time taking the initiative to be involved in their lives or even accept invitations to do things with them. Does anyone else know what I mean by this?