Ah, Fellas: I'm back and rested from a great week at Disney World. They really do things right there. Gotta buy some DIS stock. But the real fun part was watching the beginning of the end to the far right wing of your party. You guys must be so proud! Chimpy still hasn't found WMD, Cheney and Rove on the hot-seat for the administration's ham-handed attempt to get back at Joe Wilson by outing his CIA covert-agent wife. (A freaking FELONY!) Bob "Novakula" Novak might also be headed for some interesting times ahead because he was the "tool" (literally and figuratively) of the adminstration, and unbelievably, took the FIFTH when he was asked questions about the story on CNN! But that's far from being the best news of this wonderful week! Yes, not only did Rush "Anal Cysts got me out of Military Service" Limbaugh "resign" from his ESPN gig for a RIDICULOUS statement about Donovan McNabb, but, it also turns out he's a DRUG ADDICT!!!! Oh, my compassion usually knows no bounds. And I toyed with the idea that we should hope and pray that Rush gets better. But that thought stayed with me for, oh....I don't know...about 15 seconds! I hope he gets indicted, goes to prison and gets ass-fucked by 10 inmates. Also interesting is the Arnold S. allegation of 30 years of sexual misadventures. Ahhh..the Republican party...home of family values! And, it looks (as I'm typing this) that the Cubbies are going to lose game 4! Geez, what else can go "right" for me? One question though, what's worse: getting a hummer from an intern in the Oval Office, or outing a covert CIA agent (which happens to be a FELONY offense)? What's worse to lie to the country about? A sordid and sad affair between consenting adults or the underling reason to send our sons and daughters to fight and die in a foreign country? Feel free to discuss this amongst yourselves!
Geez....do ya think I was too harsh?