Edited on Sun Jan-30-05 12:48 AM by chookie
Back in 1989, when I had moved to FL, I took in another stray cat.
Pazuzu, in a few weeks, was lethargic and lost weight. I took her to a vet. He said, straight out, that I had been foolish to take in a stray, and that Pazuzu was obviously stricken with feline leukemia, and should be put down immediately. I had a gut feeling (along with skepticism towards "authority figures" and refused.
I took her to another vet. He actually bothered to thoroughly examine her, and x-rays showed that she had been attacked by the new cat, and had an absess from a wound, which was easily treated.
The irony -- the vet who wanted to put her down died long before Pazuzu did. Yeah, Pazuzu could have pissed on his grave if she had been so inclined, but she was too decent and ladylike to consider such things.
I always advise people -- "Caveat Veterinariantorum!" My good sense has saved the lives of pets of friends who were similarly advised to euthanize their "hopeless" animals -- most notably an Australian shepherd who was "diagnosed" with a genetic defect causing convulsions, when it was really seriously ill with encephalitis. My friend asked me to come with her to the vet, and I argued with him, until he agreed to supply intravenous antibiotics that we would administer to this dear doggie ourselves (we hung the drip from our ceiling fan) -- and he went from prostration and high fever and blindness and paralysis to being cured within a week. It was a humbling learning experience for this vet, who freely acknowledged that he had made a serious mistake. So there!
But it sounds like you have a very good, sensible, empathetic and learned vet -- hold onto him/her!