So I go to work today - I manage a wine a liquor department at a Safeway grocery store. Now the people who decide how to run things are all these high up corporate jerks who've never set foot in a grocery store, let alone worked at one. They've got people to do their shopping for them. But they know how to look at papers and figures and come up with new and exciting ideas on how to make our stores better. Forget the fact that none of these ideas are the least bit possible to implement or that they don't work or don't make sense - we have to do them because the people who pay us tell us to.
So they decide to change the whole way we do the skirt on the beer cooler. Normally, we put a display of whatever major items are on sale beer wise in front of the cooler - usually it's Bud and Coors, the two main sellers, either 30 packs or 12 packs or whatever is on good pricing. Now, however, we have to follow this corporate list which has us putting about 15 (no exaggeration) different types of beer on display in the skirt, including 6 packs (which are stupid to display because they don't stack well and they get very messy as soon as someone takes one). So now I have a bunch of different stuff which looks like shit especially when it starts getting depleted. Not only that, but it extends down so far, it's right in front of the cold case where i keep the chilled wines so while I'm trying to fill that, I'm stretching over this frigging beer disaster and end up pulling a muscle in my shoulder (can't wait until a customer does that and sues our asses off).
This is irritating enough but I also have to deal with the ridiculous bullshit hoops they expect us to jump through when the warehouse screws us on our deliveries (and the warehouse constantly screws us on deliveries because they have a bunch of fucking morans working at the warehouse). I get shorted items on a regular basis - items that they charge me for. However, I can only apply for reimbursment if the total dollar amount of the shorted items is over $200. In addition, that $200 has to be ALL in wine or ALL in liquor - never a combination of the two. And it can't include broken bottles (which are broken because they're badly packed at the warehouse) - those have to be separate as well. This doesn't usually happen but there is almost always a hundred dollars or more in shorts and/or breakage. What this means is that when inventory comes, my numbers are going to be off by thousands of dollars and the company is going to want to know why. Because their warehouse SUCKS and their policies SUCK, that's why. I keep a running tally of losses that I incur this way - so far just this year, it's over $2000, most of which I cannot claim reimbursment for.
Then I have to deal with their bizarre way of scoring our "secret shops". There are some 10 different things one is tested on when one is shopped and if you miss one thing, you're considered to have failed the shop and are sent off to service classes with some over enthusiastic fuckwad who has no clue about what the job actually entails. Now where is the sense in that? In every other type of test, if you get one wrong, it means you got 9 right - not at Safeway. You're set up to fail, no matter what.
This doesn't include the inane questions and comments from customers but frankly, I find the customers much easier to take than the corporate idiots who come up with these stupid ideas and expect people who are understaffed and overworked to do them efficiently and cheerfully. They're constantly coming up with more things they want us to do but they never give us any more hours or manpower to do them. I like my job for the most part - I like my manager and most of the people I work with and I like my customers but I really despise working for a giant multi million dollar corporate entity that doesn't give a shit about the people it's got working for them. I'm just a cog in the wheel.
I could go on but I have to go eat. Hope this works for ya! :hi: