I don't usually remember my dreams, but this one was so, so fucking bizarre, i just have to share it
It starts with me waking up in an RV to find that my family have driven me out of the city in order to go camping on what appears to be the world's largest campground. Since i had plans to do something today,i get in a gigantic argument about how they just took me way out in the middle of nowhere. i freak out and start throwing a fit about how i'm supposed to get back into the city, so i just get out of the RV and (this is where it gets wierd.. very) try to find a ride. all i can find is a double-decker bus with the word "honduras" across the top. so i get in front of it and get them to stop, i yell inside the door "are you going to st. louis?" and the guy says "sure!" then he wants to charge me ten bucks to get in this nasty, overcrowded with immigrants bus, just like you see in movies, so i get in, and notice there are two decaying human arms attached to the ceiling. there's something dripping off the cieling around where the arms are attached and i'm somehow made aware that i have to drive some drywall screws into the middle of the arms to keep the liquid from dripping down from the top floor, which apparently has a refidgerator or something up there. so i get a trash bag and wrap it around my arm to keep the arm-juice from getting on me while i use a cordless screwdriver to more securely attach these arms to the roof. as i do some fat-like goop flings and hits me in my other arm, and i wipe it off quickly..
then i wake up.
top that one!!
:crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
pretty f'ing bizarre, i think it has the be the wierdest, most disconnected dream i've ever remembered.