1. You question government and it's right to interfere in your bedroom, wedding ceremony, and doctor's office. 2. You dislike taxes, but recognize that the benefit to your community and your personal well being is enhanced substantially by them. 3. You hold your government accountable for the same fiscal responsiblilty that you're held to by law. 4.Your vote for congress and senate helps keep government in check. 5. You put liberty above the comforts of "safety" by opposing the Patriot Act. 6. You realize there are many efforts, agencies and programs the government can do better than the private for-profit sector. 7. You can recognize the represenatatives and the profiteers in government as they are formerly employed by Halliburton Industries. 8. You expect tolerance and diversity and refuse to settle for bigotry and intolerance. 9. You do not serve the public servants but you do appreciate that many of them are overworked, underpaid and very, very good at what they do. 10. You apply the same standards mentioned above to the government regardless of political affilitiation