Even though I'm fat, and I'd love to be thin, I know how hurtful comments about your body are. I was teased for being fat, having glasses AND being ugly---three things that either take too long to change, or that can't be changed at all.
It's different than someone poking fun at your personality--calling you a bitch, or unfunny, or boring. The first thing people notice about me is my face, my body. ANd if those are so repulsive (according to family members and schoolmates, office mates, and complete strangers), how must the rest of me be?
I used to be a waitress, and I had a table once and I asked the members of the party what they wanted to eat and one of them said "NOT what you're eating, "pretty"" and just made rude comments about my facial features and my weight. Perfect strangers. Completely unnecessary. As if I don't KNOW I'm not the prettiest girl on the planet. As if I don't KNOW I'm not a "10" body-wise.
My husband is underweight. His family ALWAYS makes inappropriate comments to the both of us..."Hey heddi, how's that diet working for you" and "Hey Mr. Heddi....did you ever put handles in the shower, you know, to keep you from falling down the drain ha ha ha ha". It just KILLS our self esteem. We constantly have to reassure each other that yes, I find you extremely handsome. Yes, he finds me very beautiful. No, we'd never change anythign about our own bodies or each other's bodies. Then, we see family, and all of the confidence we've built jsut goes right down the tubes when his sister comments about being able to see his ribs, and asks me if I'd "Feel comfortable" going swimming, you know, because I'd have to wear a bathing suit.
I do feel your pain, and even though I'm fat, I'd never "wish" hurt upon anyone for any reason, esp. someone who's skinny. Living with a man who is underweight for the past 8 years has completely clued me in that even those that have "perfect" bodies are still chastized and made to feel like shit from other people.