Hokay, so I needed to make a $5 thou payment to get the house started. This is to save $10 thou by getting it on the foundation by March 31st.
I go to the bank w/the missus and we take out $5K from the IRA, paying penalties yada yada and I head for Canada w/$5K CASH.
Smooth sailing over the Blue Water Bridge. No prob at customs, I declare the cash and they wave me through without a second glance but with a Have a Nice Day.
I go to the casino and confess that I'm just there to get the best exchange, they welcome me with open arms, and when I look nervous about carrying out the cash, they give me TWO security guards for escort.
I get to Canada Trust/TD and they deposit the cash and make 10 minutes of phone calls trying to find a CIBC branch that's open so I can directly deposit the money in the builder's account. THEY ARE ACTUALLY CALLING ANOTHER BANK FOR ME. None are open though.
They direct me to a postal outlet at the mall where I can express a check. Bad luck, the Builder left off part of his address, so the Postal Outlet lady spends 20 minutes on the phone trying to find where this address might be. No luck. She sends me to the Canadian Tire where they let me cruise their road atlases FOR FREE. Can't find the town. They suggest the travel agent across the hall.
The travel agent and I spend 20 minutes scouring the Ontario City/Town index until EUREKA! I recognize the town: FERGUS, Ontario.
Now all I need is the postal code. The Postal outlet lady spends another 20 minutes in her books but they don't list the street address. She calls the Bell Canada store in the mall and sends me there, where THEY LET ME GO BEHIND THE COUNTER AND US THE INTERNET TO SIGN ON TO MY ACCOUNT AND SEARCH FOR THE POSTAL CODE, all the time these cuties are joshing me about being their new employee. EUREKA! I find the code.
I go back to the postal outlet, and the line is a mile long. The clerk (another cutie by the way) waves me to the front. I say NO no, but everyone in line says "Go ahead, no problem, eh Yank?" with big smiles.
The check is expressed. TA DA.
Can you picture ANYONE in the States being even REMOTELY this helpful???
I still have a good feeling when I think about it.