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"Governor Dummer Academy" Thinks Its Time To Change Name

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matcom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-01-05 08:13 AM
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"Governor Dummer Academy" Thinks Its Time To Change Name

A venerable 18th-century boarding school in Newbury, a neighbor of the Phillips Academies in Andover and Exeter, just doesn't want to be Dummer anymore.

In the interest of smarter marketing, the board of directors at Governor Dummer Academy, a private boarding school in Newbury, voted to change its name to something else, something that will probably not include the name of Governor William Dummer of Massachusetts.

''Rightly or wrongly, first impressions make a difference," said headmaster John M. Doggett, who spent the past few days breaking the news to alumni and students. ''Certainly, when you go outside of the Boston region, the first impression sometimes doesn't convey what the school is all about."

While administrators say that most in the Dummer community support the change, others say that abandoning the name is, well, dumb.

''It's a horrible move," said Thomas Driscoll of Swampscott, a 1978 graduate and football co-captain who is now the Essex County Clerk of Courts. ''Governor Dummer has such tradition. That's what troubles me about this.. . . The name is very special."

Dummer, an early 18th-century governor, donated his land to start the school, which opened in 1763 and professes to be the nation's first independent boarding school.

The name has been changed several times over the centuries, but has always included Dummer's name.
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Cooley Hurd Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-01-05 08:16 AM
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1. They should name it after Romney, too...
...and call it the Governor Dumb and Dummer Academy.:evilgrin:
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papau Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-01-05 08:26 AM
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2. Newbury kids will still get free tuition per Dummers will if name changed?
If so they can call it what they will.

It is an excellent private high school.
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