"The relief you are now experiencing is made possible by a gift from Michael Zinman," read circular silver plaques above the urinals in the men's restroom of the Van Pelt Library.
Three urinals, one sponsor.
"I have a warped sense of what the world is like, and I am poking barbed gentile fun at society," said Zinman, a businessman and antiquarian book-collector, explaining what inspired him to make the "five-figure" donation to the porcelain gods.
Library officials would not, however, disclose exactly how much it costs to sponsor a urinal.
Zinman has no connection to the University, but has known the director of the library for many years.
Adam Corson-Finnerty, head of library development, said that Zinman came up with the idea for the plaque many years ago.
"He has made this offer to a number of institutions and apparently nobody would take him up on it. We thought about it at the library and thought 'what the heck?'" Corson-Finnerty said.
"Most people have whimsical influences that they think of, but they have a stop gene that wasn't programmed into me," Zinman said.
Although Zinman said that he has pulled numerous pranks throughout his lifetime, he declined to reveal any details that might be incriminating.
But Zinman didn't stop with the plaques.
He thought the idea was worth publicizing, so he sent a letter to poet laureates in every state with the text of the plaque, $100 and an invitation to submit a poem in honor of urinals.
Nineteen poet laureates -- from New Hampshire to Alaska -- ended up replying.