Edited on Tue Feb-01-05 08:24 PM by WoodrowFan
To: saradippity
The creator of the EU constitution was a freemason? That's all I want to know about that wretched cult.
48 posted on 01/31/2005 1:43:06 AM PST by Colosis (Der Elite Møøsenspåånkængruppen ØberKømmååndø (EMØØK)) ====================================
To: Caesar Soze; nopardons; Quix As I said in post #27.......
As far as libel goes, I don't think the masons have this habit of taking anybody to court, since then there would for sure be NO more secrets! Not that there are, anymore, anyway. ROFLMAO. No the manifest doctrine is to ignore any and all assaults. Why can't you folks? I'll tell you why: Because deep down inside you know that when a neophyte takes the Apprentice degree and is blindfolded, left foot, knee and breast bared and kneeling....he is asked "WHAT DO YOU SEEK?" Well, HE doesn't know and the prompt of course is light. Well, we both know, don't we that the light they're talking about AIN'T the light of JESUS CHRIST, don't we? What does Luicifer mean, btw? Bringer of the LIGHT, hey?
One thing is for sure, Quix, I poked the DEVIL and he is responding. Pray for me brother. Spread the word to some of the real Christian folks we both know that ExSoldier has poked the DEVIL on a board and SATAN is responding! And ExSoldier is having some fun, would they like to play as well? 57 posted on 01/31/2005 3:37:10 AM PST by ExSoldier (Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on dinner. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.) =========================================
To: nmh Did you know that the papist Pat Robertson is an anti-Mason? 72 posted on 01/31/2005 5:01:55 AM PST by Aquinasfan (Isaiah 22:22, Rev 3:7, Mat 16:19) ======================================
To: winodog
LOL, the catholic schools in our city, are filled with illegal aliens on the dole from the state. That is the only way they can afford it.
I wouldn't put my doggie in there. Those schools have the same problems the public schools have of non-english speaking, english speaking translation problems.
Those schools are no longer the best, used to be, no more.
76 posted on 01/31/2005 5:33:02 AM PST by television is just wrong (Our sympathies are misguided with illegal aliens...) =====================================
To: nmh
I dunno about The Masons being sinister but I wouldn't join an organization that uses so many Islamic symbols. Not after 9/11.
79 posted on 01/31/2005 7:51:54 AM PST by JBlain ====================================
To: Redleg Duke RAPTURE READY? .....My salvation and yours is already bought and paid for. Somehow I don't think I'll be seeing YOU up there..... 118 posted on 01/31/2005 6:01:00 PM PST by ExSoldier (Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on dinner. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.) ====================================
To: ExSoldier Because YOU aren't going to make it into heaven!
You keep breaking at least one of the TEN COMMANDMENTS continually and GOD shall NOT be mocked;especially not by CINOs (Christians in name only) like you. 122 posted on 01/31/2005 6:10:22 PM PST by nopardons =======================================
To: ExSoldier You're only claiminmg to be bored,because you got your rear handed to you.As long as you had this thread to yourself and the rest of your benighted ilk was here,cheering you on,you were in your glory playing ELMER GANTRY.
You post,I'm going to reply! GOT THAT?When YOU own a site,you can set the rules.You don't own FR,you don't set the rules here! I'll reply to any post/any person I decide to. 136 posted on 01/31/2005 7:19:46 PM PST by nopardons ======================================== To: nopardons Fine. But YOU can't change FR rules. You can't follow me around the site. No jumping threads, right? I've never in my life hit the abuse button, but you freaks start stalking me all over the site and I will have to do that. I've been around here for awhile, too. I have buddies, too. So, let's just drop this thread. We've all made our points, we all disagree with each other, fine. Let's leave it until we meet on another Field of Honor....okay? 151 posted on 01/31/2005 8:28:11 PM PST by ExSoldier (Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on dinner. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.) ======================================== To: TheLion Exactly who do you mean by "the opposition"? I have heard/read that the Clintons are very high up in the Mason organization. Are you speaking of opposition to the Clintons and their One World Masonic vision that you are pleased to have "quelled"?
From what I have seen, the Masonic organization is just another New World Order proponent which has duped a lot of people with its siren song of good vibes but which is used by some very unsavory characters for some very diabolical ends. 178 posted on 01/31/2005 10:37:48 PM PST by Iwo Jima ======================================================
o: nopardons That's ridiculous! D.C. wasn't laid out in some weird astrological way for Masonic rites at all.It's just that the architect was a Mason.
According to the book (The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital: The Masons and the Building of Washington, DC, by David Ovason, published by Perennial, and available at the big bookstores...very well researched and documented), the major buildings in D.C. had their cornerstones laid according to astrological positions, down to specific times of day to have those ceremonies. Not to mention that there is extensive zodiacal imagery all over DC. Having lived there for 25 years, I can confirm that this imagery exists. In fact, there are more complete zodiacs in the decorations on and around buildings in DC than in any other city on earth.
I'm not just making it up...read the book if you don't believe me.
Also, I'm not saying the Masons "control the world". But it is a fact that the Masons that founded this nation believed in astrology, and utilized it in the buildings they built. 222 posted on 02/01/2005 10:15:12 AM PST by augggh (Music is the Best....thanks Frank!) ==================================== To: AxelPaulsenJr Thanks for answering the ping! :-)
It's the same old same old and this same garbage article is also posted to FR's religion forum,where what you've said,is going on as I type. This spurious libel makes FR look worse than DU! If we don't refute it,lurkers and those who monitor FR to use against us and all Conservatives,will use the nutters' words against us.
For some strange reason,I am unable to fathom,FR allows the KOOKS to spew all manner of vile and erroneous libel against Masons and Shriners,without any consequences.Since there are many Masonic and Shriner FREEPERS,as well as the wives, daughters,granddaughters,and nieces of Masons and Shriners here,I don't understand why this is so.Then there is the fact that many of our FFs were Masosns and without them,this nation would be something very different...IF it existed at all. 225 posted on 02/01/2005 2:00:33 PM PST by nopardons =========================================================
o: ExSoldier NOTE The DUmbasses have infltrated this thread and are posting to rile us up in areas they know we have divisions. They have a thread going over in their 'lounge' now. 260 posted on 02/01/2005 4:52:34 PM PST by mnehrling (Fear leads to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to the DNC.)
(comment: BOL! looks like they're lurking here too! Hi mnehrling!)
Ok, time for a long shower, if Hell has discussion romms they'll be like FR.