Ok, so I had this dream last night that I was involved in guerilla warfare. It wasn't against the Iraqis, however...it was against the re-thugs.
The battle took place in a city/town near the beach because I remember us running along sand chasing after some re-thug scumbags. We were carrying M-16's and had all sorts of ammo with us. We also were carrying .45s and we were using those up close to kill these bastards. I was a killing machine, and probably dropped at least 15 of them sumbitches myself. Shooting at people sure is fun!
Anyhow, the kicker was that we were all waiting for the re-thugs to unleash their most powerful weapon. This is the truth, I swear...the most powerful weapon they had was Arnold Schwarzenagger. He was like this huge robot with guns coming out of his chest. We had these huge 50 cal. machine guns we were blasting him with but we didn't stop him. I don't know what happened because I woke up.
I do know that at one point in the "war" someone shouted "times up!" and we all put down our guns and stopped shooting.
Can someone analyze this dream for me, please? By the way, I don't own any guns and probably haven't fired a gun in over 18 years.