I just found out today, that our middle son (the troubled one:(..) , the one who had been telling us how well he's doing in Seattle, is actually homeless:(.. We have not heard from him for a while, and in fact he asked us to hold his Christmas presents until he moved to his "new place".. He kept telling us when he called us (collect, which was usual for him) that he was staying at a friend's house, and he was not sure of the address.. I asked if we could sned it to his work address, so he could at least have his stuff.. hemming and hawing, which set out radar off, be he assured us that he was ok..
Our youngest even went to visit him a few weeks ago, and everything seemed ok (but now we think it was an elaborate ruse to make us think he's ok)..
He called his oldest brother and asked him for $300 to "tide him over" til he got settled, and no one heard from him for 3 weeksd afterwards.. He's 27, so he's not exactly a kid, but of the 3 boys, he's always made the "wrong choices" so we are always worried about him..
Apparently, he called his brother again today, and Scott wormed it out of him.. he's sleeping in his car, and occasionally crashing at an ex-girlfriend's place. he was laid off and has no idea what to do next..
So... I guess I have a roadtrip ahead of me, as soon as I hear from him.. I have no idea where he even is, and Seattle's a big place..He has no credit cards, and will need me there to rent a trailer so we can get what stuff he has in storage home. I have no idea how to even get there by road.. I guess I just keep heading north.. I think it's a 2 day drive from Southern Ca..
My son found an old email from his ex girlfriend, and on a whim called it to see if she had any idea where he was.. She thinks he still has his job and place, so he had to be careful not to "sink his only lifeline" ..because he must be lying to her too..
This is the son who has great "difficulty" with the truth, so we don;t know what to think..
I am afraid to just keep sending him money, if what he really needs is an intervention and a trip back to the Mom & Dad Motel, to get his bearings again..
Whew !! Thanks for hearing me out !!
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