No institution should be able to charge more than 2 per cent above prime. Anything more than that is usury. They used to throw people in jail for it.
I've stumbled through almost 46 years of life without ever having had a credit card. I refuse to answer their privacy-invading questions. They send me things in the mail saying that I've been preapproved for such-and-such card, so I call them up and say "OK, send it to me, since you have my address." Then they say they have a few questions re income, how long employed, blah blah blah, and I say, "I thought you said I was preapproved." Fucking capitalist shitheads.
So I take their postage-paid business reply envelopes and send the info from company #1 in an envelope from company #2, info from company #2 in an envelope from company #3, and so on, always leaving out anything that identifies me. I intend to break these companies eventually, fifty cents at a time, and I invite everyone else to do the same.
Yeah, it's probably not all that effective, but it makes me feel better, and that's what's really important, isn't it?