Edited on Fri Feb-04-05 11:10 PM by havocmom
Or safe ways to experiment with actions you would not generally consider in your waking life.
Some are intuitive ways for the mind to get the conscious to become aware of something you are missing. This can be helpful in matters of your health, the mind can use metaphor to try and get your attention to something that isn't right and needs to be addressed.
Some are responses to stress going on in daily life. We all have those sorts of annoying dreams where our progress is hampered (like your bear in the road?) Or relieve stress of a different sort; most of us are lucky enough to have those ;)
Some will incorporate themes to explain away real outside noises/stimuli and let you sleep through what might otherwise disturb your rest.
Some are precognitive. Some are just bubble gum for the resting brain. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
I occasionally have dreams which are precognitive. I generally recognize them as such and discuss them with a friend so when the event comes to pass, I can have validation and check my accuracy. If it doesn't come to pass, I can be teased, but it helps me to learn to discern better.
Many dreams will use symbols which only make sense to you personally. I have certain dreams which will mean specific things to me. Some symbols can be more collectively understood, whether cultural, religious, spiritual, or just human.
I love the ones that are just my brain playing tiddly winks. Many are like old movies. They're just fun and I let them play. Like staying up and watching the Late Show in the summer when I was a kid.
Some are ways to solve problems you are too distracted in your waking activities to see the answer too. I keep paper & pen by the bed. Come up with great solutions sometimes!
The fun is to work on becoming a lucid dreamer. When bad stuff happens in dreams, you can be like a movie directer and yell "CUT!" and then re-do a 'scene' more to your liking. Have experienced that bringing around a better sense of empowerment in my waking life. Helped get out of a life threatening clinical depression with dream work like that.