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I just gave money to a *&#*(* Bushite

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linazelle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-06-05 10:46 PM
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I just gave money to a *&#*(* Bushite
Went to the gas station to fill up and somehow managed to lock my keys in the car. Have no family in Wisconsin where I've relocated so had nobody to call--except the local 24-hour locksmith. And he shows up in a van from down by the river with the following bumper stickers on it: "Take that Hippy...Four More Years" with a pick of Bush pointing Uncle Sam style; and "Bush/Cheney 2004"....there were more but my eyes blurred. As he went to get his tools I wondered if I should wait and find another locksmith. Of course I didn't but DAMN IT!
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liberalhistorian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-06-05 10:49 PM
Response to Original message
1. I'm really surprised at that,
are you sure it was a true, professional locksmith? Because most professionals don't wear their political stripes out for everyone to see on their professional vehicles and when they're working. Most professionals of all parties are able to work with each other without much problem, it's called being professional.
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linazelle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-06-05 10:52 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. He was listed in the yellow pages...'s all I know....n/t
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Democrat 4 Ever Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-06-05 11:46 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. I've had the same experience this week - a freeper in the house
Needed some electrical work done. Call a dude in the yellow pages. Came out, 30 years experience, just needed four light fixtures changed out, gave me an estimate, made appointment for Friday. Work would take about two hours. No hint of political leanings on first visit.

Friday dawns. Appointment day. First the freeper shows up one and half hours late! Brings his daughter (he can't drive - I'm thinking DUI) to help him since he NOW tells me he suffers from black outs and forgets things from a car accident 10 years ago. He proceeds to take all the fixtures down (instead of doing them one at a time so there would be light in the room - on two different circuits). Then he starts to really screw up. He pokes a hole in my ceiling (where a hole definitely did not need to go), broke the wires off of one of the fixtures, and lost one of the anchor screws needed to finish one of the lights. Then he and daughter decides to make a run to Lowes for replacement part. Gone for two and half hours - Pizza Hut had a "small" problem with their lunch order. The afternoon ended up with him not able to attach the fixture to the electrical outlet because "it just doesn't fit." So day one, one light up, three more down - no lights in kitchen. Total time - 6 1/2 hours = one light, sorta.

Day Two goes no better - this time he is two and half hours late (he does drive himself, evidently the black outs have miraculously been cured over night) - but he does get light # 1 up although I was told not to touch it that it could fall out of the soffit (do I buy eternal light bulbs so I never have to change it?), gets one light up, two others are still down for the count with missing parts and bent fixture (it didn't come that way, it was dropped) - time spent - 7 hours = finished up one light (the still don't touch one) and a ceiling light which still "needs some work but you can use it." I have two lights to go up, two more that need "adjustments" and at this rate I'll be eating in the dark until the time changes again.

Now during all of this the man (I hesitate to call him an electrician at this point) was telling me about what a good Christian he is, he is going to have to go home, pray and ask God what he had done to him that day for God to have caused him to have all this trouble (was all I could do not to ask him if God talked back), he then segued into Muslins are just a bloodthirsty lot that wants to kill all Christians, Bush is right up there next to God and all is right in the world as long as we have King Chimpy in the WH. You get the idea. He kept telling me how good and fair he is with his customers (that is ALWAYS a red alert when they have to keep telling you how fair they are!) and wanted to witness to me the wonders of the Lord.

I had finally had had enough. I asked him how he would feel if he had hired me to come into his home and I spent all my time while I was there trying to convert him to my form of religion? He said that it wouldn't bother him since I just couldn't change him. I told him that if he wanted to keep talking about God I expected him to give me equal time to tell him about my version of religion. He did ask what religion I just know he was scared shitless that I was going to say something horrible like I'm Catholic or Jewish - both equally horrible to this guy. When I told him I was an atheist he just about blew a gasket. I would have been SO lucky if he had just walked out right then.

Told him to hush and listen as that I had been respectful of his views up to that point. He got the point but I didn't bother to say anything to the cracker because he was too far gone to have listened but he did shut up - mission accomplished. No lights up, but at least it was quiet.

Funny side note - he hates attorneys, furrieners, welfare, Democrats, Catholics, Jews and a sundry of other "sinful folks" but the dude managed to work into the conversation that he was suing someone because of the car accident (remember - 10 years ago) so he likes at least one attorney, that he was going into the hospital for some tests - Jewish Hospital in Louisville, and that he is just trying to get this business up and running because he has been on disability for several years and he needed to get back on his feet. And he cussed like a sailor at every screw up (in front of his daughter) and he mentioned he like beer and wine. He could be the poster boy for Freeperville.

He is suppose to come back tomorrow but I think I'm calling him and telling him to not come back, I'll send him a check and get someone else to clean up his mess. Geesh. I wish all freepers came with a purple finger - it would be so much easier to spot them before they do any damage.
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TOhioLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-06-05 11:57 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. I would report him to the BBB... probably aren't the only one he's doing a 'great:eyes:' job for. Just my .02, YMMV.
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linazelle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-07-05 10:44 PM
Response to Reply #3
5. Gawd....not quite the same experience but I empathize with you
I wished so badly that I had some Kerry stickers or a Kerry button to put on my bumper so that moran who unlocked my car could've seen it. That 'lectrician sounds like the Freeper from hell (but then aren't they all?) :evilgrin:
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