I'm going to make some juice, cry my eyes out and snuggle with my cat
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Mon Feb-07-05 12:42 AM
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I'm going to make some juice, cry my eyes out and snuggle with my cat |
Do not disturb!! And don't be mean or you won't find out where the 'event' will be held!
And I don't want to see any rude comments about my Eagles. They played a hell of a game; one of the best Super Bowls in ages.
I think my poor Abbott has mascara streaks over him from my tears.
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Mon Feb-07-05 12:44 AM
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1. Recall Don Corleone's Conversation with Michael in the Garden? |
Apply that wisdom wisely when thinking of future costume rentals.:think:
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Mon Feb-07-05 12:46 AM
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2. The good news is I still have a bottle of Tequila I've not opened |
so I guess I'll be taking that with me to Boston
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Mon Feb-07-05 12:48 AM
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3. I'm sorry that the Eagles lost. I was so hoping to see Will in a |
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Mon Feb-07-05 12:48 AM
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4. Awwww, the game was great! You both are |
gonna be fine! Event is in the spring. :toast:
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Mon Feb-07-05 12:56 AM
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5. Lynne... you said "cat"... What happened to Evita?? |
I have been out of the loop (lounge) for a while.. Did I miss something?
Sorry about your Eagles..:(
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Mon Feb-07-05 01:04 AM
Response to Reply #5 |
6. Evita isn't the snuggling type |
She feels that being in the same room where I can glance at her highness is worthy enough
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:03 AM
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