Exactly how do they do these studies? A rat addicted to rising stock markets?
In a separate statement the scientists admitted that rats get "withdrawal symptoms" to most everything that humans find pleasurable including, fatty food, sugar, sex, TV, video games, golf, gambling, rising stock markets, sleep, water, vacations, sunlight, presents, instant gratification, air conditioning, and rollercoasters. According to the scientists these are things that are likely to be addictive and should be restricted and in most cases banned and in any case should be open to open to litigation where possible. However, they did admit that rats are not known to have much self control or free will beyond that of pure instinct and applying animal studies such as theirs to humans is pure speculation. http://www.rangelmd.com/2003/01/mcdonalds-fat-food-may-be-addictive.htmlHonestly, I pulled this up while looking for a study showing fast food was addictive. Not sure what to make of it since they don't link back to any study or anything describing the methodology for getting rats addicted to "vacations" and "Rollercoasters."