in Louisville, KY. She was a teenager and did it against her - by today's standards (braided 5 switches together, 25 or 50 lashes) - abusive father's wishes - and went she to jail, more than once. After leaving, we were telling my son (who was in another room), age 9, about what she did and why and he plainly stated, "I would do that. That is just wrong. Everyone is the same on the inside."
I have no doubt that he would/will - because he is that kind of kid - one who instead of birthday gifts, he asks his friends to buy pet supplies to give to animal shelters, or gifts for children who wouldn't be getting gifts.
His statement about marching brought tears to my eyes. I've never been so moved by words from his mouth, it was all straight from his heart. He can make a difference in this world.
Where the hell is a "proud emoticon" when you need one?