Edited on Mon Feb-07-05 02:16 PM by Liberalynn
I'm in one of those moods where I hate people. They are just annoying me a lot lately for a lot of reasons of which I will share a few.
1. You try to say no as politely as possible then they just turn around and ask you another way for the same favor.
2. They feel like in order to promote what they like, they have to bash what you like.
3. They get nasty for no reason! Some old woman behind me in the supermarkert turned and looked at me and said "get out of her way, she's important, and she will run you over." I wasn't racing or trying to hit her with my cart. I was just walking normal speed and looking around minding my own business. I wasn't even paying any attention to her.
4. They're stupid. How can anyone look at facts such as this country was enjoying peace and prospertity the likes of which we hadn't seen in ages under a Democratic President and then put the idiot Republicans back in power even though they've proven they bring darkness, poverty, and war. I know they cheated but why don't more demand an investigation. I know people here do but I'm talking about the apethic general populace.
On top of all that I feel guilty for feeling this way because I was raised under Catholicism. Where I am supposed to ask others to excuse my breathing. I'm not Catholic anymore and in therapy to try and rid myself of the guilt but a part of it's still there, and feels like I'm selfish and awful for even thinking I hate other people.
Maybe it's just PMS! I don't know. Does anyone else have suggestions of how to deal with the irritation of others? Sometimes I just want to go live in a cave with only supplies to keep from starving and dehydrating, my dog, supplies for fire to keep warm and read by, and a bunch of books. Then maybe I'd get some peace and happiness.
Of course as a pacifist it is hard to deal with this anger at others too.