"Lawyers for author JK Rowling are investigating a US army magazine cartoon whose characters bear an uncanny resemblance to Harry Potter.
Preventive Maintenance Monthly, which has a circulation of 100,000, teaches soldiers how to care for their kit.
Its cartoon strip includes a boy wizard called Topper and a professor of Mogmart's School called Rumbledore...
Among the other similarities in the comic strip are teachers called Snappy and McDonagal. There are characters in the Potter books called Snape and McGonagal. One of the young female wizards is called Miss Ranger, while Harry Potter's best friend is Hermione Granger.
But the magazine's editor, Ken Crunk, denied there had been any copyright infringement. "The drawings do not look like any of the characters from Harry Potter," said Mr Crunk."
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/arts/4243145.stmA pic from the magazine:

No, he's right, they don't look ANYTHING like Harry Potter et al.