A 14-year-old boy went into cardiac arrest after police used a stun gun to subdue him, authorities said Tuesday.
More than a day after the Monday morning incident, the boy remained unconscious at Children's Memorial Hospital, Cook County Public Guardian Robert Harris said. Harris questioned why police used a Taser on the boy, a ward of the state who was living at a residential treatment center on the North Side.
"It's crazy stuff,'' he said.
But Chicago Police spokesman Dave Bayless said the boy lurched at an officer after a violent outburst at the center, in which he attacked three people and broke three windows. The boy has been charged with three counts of aggravated battery to protected employees and one count of aggravated assault.
Police said it was the first time anyone in the city had gone into cardiac arrest after being hit by the Taser electronic gun, which shoots wire barbs that give shocks of 50,000 volts of electricity.
Bayless said police planned to review research on the safety of the guns, which the department has used since last year. Nationwide more than 80 people have died after receiving the shocks, according to published reports.
The boy has been a ward of the state since 1999 and has lived at the North Side center run by Ulich Children's Advantage Network since June 2003. Ulich officials said the incident was under investigation and would not comment.