Anyone in the industry out there?
Let me start off with while I know that what I am looking for is available for the Mac... the computer I have to use at work is a PC and I have no choice in the matter. The theatre is part of a municipal facility, I'm stuck with what they give me, and they've given me a PC. I have already started to try to convince them that a Mac would be more appropriate for use in the theatre... maybe next time there is money in the budget (yeah, right - money for the arts... maybe when a herd of pigs are flapping around the skies). So I really don't need the "Macolytes" pointing out that Macs are better for this purpose. I already know that. Oh, and I have a Linux box sitting on the desk next to my PC at home... I already know about the joys and headaches of Linux and work has no interest in switching to a Linux system. For some reason the IT guys don't want to deal with three different operating systems on the network... or the calls from employees who would be confused by having more than one boot possibility come up on their monitor in the morning.
To my problem/question... We are looking into getting software that will allow the technicians to mix live video for projection during performances on stage - mostly for contemporary dance and possibly some concerts. As the most computer literate of all the techs, I get to be the one who gets to look into this. (For the record... I have a degree in Fine and Performing Arts - my "computer literacy" comes from being married for 30 years to a Computing Science prof.)
I am looking for something that will do more than just project a slide show. Powerpoint does just fine with that - but I am open to suggestions if anyone knows of better slide show software. Anyway, the recommendations that I've gotten for the video projection software (from Mac users, I might add) are Max/Jitter and Isadora. Both are considered to be the best going for the Mac and have beta versions for PC's. I have downloaded and installed the demos for these. As this is for performance purposes I would like to have something a little more reliable... a live performance is not the time to be testing beta software. Does anyone know of any other possibilities? I would greatly appreciate any recommendations or pointers from anyone who has a better idea of what I am looking for. I need to be able to justify the money I'm going to need to get the software -- I can't justify spending money on a beta version if there are other alternatives.
I have looked through Google several times now. I get lots of hits but since I'm not completely sure of what I'm looking for I can't refine the search string beyond the search for "VJ software for PC's". Can someone come up with another possibility for a search string? Crawling through all these sites is making my brain hurt and I'm running out of ideas.
Thanks in advance. Dancing Kali