There's this other guy named Stephen Lightfoot, who is paranoid about who he thinks may have shot John Lennon. Here is an excerpt from one of his writings:
Two months after my nose was broken I was invited to the Lennon art exhibit by the manager of the DYANSEN gallery who let me in ahead of over a hundred people in line apparently to insure that Yoko Ono and I were there together. I gave her my literature and told her to please read it. She said she would and then went with her security to a room to immediately see what was inside. She left the gallery and her security came back a half hour later and violently pushed me down the exit stairs into the waiting arms of four police who kidnapped me, handcuffed me, said "We're going to beat your ass", drove to a seedy neighborhood and then pistolwhipped me unconscious. I was then delivered to the General Hospital where officer Kevin Hall said "I'm going to break your nose." Instead I was delivered to the Psych wing and strapped, bloodied and bruised, to a table. The report said that I was yelling death threats to Yoko Ono. It was a complete lie yet I was evaluated for 48 hours and released as completely sane and only physically beaten. My body was later placed in a tunnel to photograph my internal organs. The officers were Kevin Hall and Steven Rist. I filed a 12 million dollar suit only to find no willing attorney. is no one around who is this paranoid about anything surrounding the members of Oasis, as far as I know.
Score one for Oasis.