...were brutal thugs who killed their enemies and wrested control of the land by force. Then they intermarried to the point where they are like purebreds from one of those awful puppy mills.
I think they are the proverbial boobies on a bull--absolutely useless. All of the stupidass "traditions" that one sees are not real traditions, they are devices to charm dumb tourists. I used to live in UK, and one day I finally got off my ass to go see the foolish changing of the guard. Most of the music that they played was John Phillips Sousa. I mean, really--how tough is it to come up with a few marches that didn't originate on this side of the pond?
I do not think the British get good value out of them. They don't work hard enough to earn their keep, and quite frankly, they aren't even very attractive--not that physical attractiveness is everything by any means, but when you've little else in your arsenal, it can mitigate a very poor performance. That poor William gets uglier and uglier every year, he used to be a fine looking lad, but he's morphing into his father as time goes by. And Harry is nothing to write home about, either. Between the Nazi uniform, the drunken sprees, and so on, he's not holding up his end. And then there's the newest member of the inbred clan, Camilla. For the life of me, they should have just let Charles marry her way back when he wanted to...now, in his old age, he's finally standing up to Mummy and Dada, such a big man! They destroyed Margaret's life, they put so much stock in bullshit and none in personal happiness, no wonder they are such a bunch of miserable looking people.
But really, at the end of the day, it is up to the UK citizenry as to what their future is. The royals haven't quite jumped the shark, apparently, else they'd be gone.
I'd resent having to pay any of their expenses, if I had a say.