I spend a lot of time getting angry about closed minded people who spew hatred. But is that, in itself, closed minded of me? I guess my problem is that they want to tell me how to live, and I resent it. I resent Jerry Fallwell telling me that he knows the right way to live. If Jerry Fallwell is right about God and such, then thanks, I'd prefer to be wrong and live according to the falacies of karma-like goodness and compassion for other living beings. I don't want to look in some book for goodness and salvation, I want to look at my fellow people, at my wife and at my cat, and at the trees outside my window, and the bird on the chimney at the shack next door, the living breathing pulse of a communty. If that's God or Allah or Buddha or Vishnu or Jesus, I don't really care what name is put on it. Regretfully, there's people in the world that are looking at me and thinking about how evil I am because I do not conform to their worldview. But then I turn around and get angry at those that don't conform to mine. I mean, mine is right after all. Right? All we have is this world and everything and everyone in it. We spend so much time worrying about the differences and unable to focus on common needs and common goods, but on a future event that no matter how much we think we know what happens, we don't and we never will until that one instant when whatever is going to happen happens. Then it's too late and it really doesn't matter anymore anyway.
Well shit. Someone pass the box of wine over here. My plastic cup's empty.