This summer I was taking my daughter on a long car trip to visit family in a far away state. My daughter is 11 and has recently become enamored by top-40 radio. For hours we had to listen to every teeny-bopper pop-rap-ballad song from Britney to Justine and back. Quickly I had to find a diversion for her or I would risk killing my beloved.
We played 20 questions, spot the license plate, movie trivia until we ran out of ideas. As she scorched me to play some more games I agreed to more 20-questions with only one rule. All questions, hints and answers had to be spoken in broken, semi-English as if it was spoken by George W. Bush!!!! We had a great time for hours on end and the car trip was every bit as fun as the vacation. It is a family staple now, at dinner, in the mall, anywhere- we crack up trying to speak the way our brainless president does.
I suggest you try this with your kids. Raise them right and conservatism will be as outdated as the Flat Earth Society!!!!