Anyone have an iPod shuffle?
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Mon Feb-14-05 02:01 AM
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Anyone have an iPod shuffle? |
It seems so primative to me. No window, you can't choose which songs you listen to. It's like a radio you pre-program or something. Any thoughts? Anyone actually have one?
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Mon Feb-14-05 02:23 AM
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1. I don't have one, but this is all I know about it. |
It's flash memory, unlike the actual hard-drive architectures of the other iPods. And all of the music is random (hence the name "shuffle").
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Mon Feb-14-05 02:41 AM
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2. I realized most of what I listen to is shit. |
I use mine for short bike rides to the store. And running. The Mini goes with me everywhere else.
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Mon Feb-14-05 02:47 PM
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the randomness of the whole thing? Not being able to choose what song comes next?
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Mon Feb-14-05 02:55 PM
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6. There is the ability to choose between random/ordered |
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Mon Feb-14-05 03:02 AM
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3. I have a Palm that plays mp3s |
and does a hundred other things.
Now that 1-GB cards are available for $150 CDN, I might just get me one of those and skip the Shuffle hype.
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Mon Feb-14-05 02:49 PM
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5. My husband has one-no it doesn't have a window |
you arrow through it and listen for a moment or 2 to hear what song it is.
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Mon Feb-14-05 02:58 PM
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7. Sounds like Apple is simply trying to coopt the word shuffle |
A feature every MP3 device has to my knowledge.
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Tue Feb 18th 2025, 06:08 PM
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