but like you say, it's really the hypocrisy that's so infuriating. Alan Keyes rants and raves and jumps up and down and shakes his fists about how people don't know "morality" and "traditional family values" anymore, yet kicks his own daughter out of the house because she was born hardwired to love other women. Not using or selling drugs, not prostitution, not theft or vandalism or cruelty to others or anything, but the crime of being lesbian. Yet he lectures US about how important "families" are and how "families" must value and love and support each other or the fabric of society will be torn apart, etc., etc.
And then there's Dick Cheney's daughter and Phyllis Schlafly's son and Newt Gingrich's sister, and on and on and on. They scream and rant and rave about "family values" and "morality", yet ostracize and ignore their own family members if they're gay (the Cheneys may not ignore Mary, but they're fighting for policies that discriminate against her). It's not a matter of who's gay or not, it's their goddamn rank, blatant hypocrisy that's the problem. I personally don't give a damn who's gay or not, and I have never, ever understood, nor will I ever understand, why so many people have such a problem with who other people choose to love, as if it's any of their fucking business at all. The country could be going to hell in a handbasket, but as long as gays can't marry, everything's cool to them.