Edited on Tue Feb-15-05 07:42 PM by Modem Butterfly
Listen my liberals and you shall hear Of the day Modem Butterfly showed Atlanta her rear Okay, maybe not Atlanta, that bit is a joke But she did show her ass at the headquarters of Coke!
It was a day in July, sunny and hot And our heroine Modem found a good parking spot She'd been out of work and needed employment And a job at Coke seemed full of enjoyment
Her blouse was cream-colored, her suit it was blue Her stockings were straight, as was her hair-do. Her resume printed, and so neatly typed She was ready and able, and boy was she psyched!
She gave her name at security and signed on the line And it was here that she got her first warning sign. "The ladies room is over there, in the corner," It was a simple, if confusing attempt to warn her.
As great as Modem looked from the front, Well, her back was exposed, to be ever so blunt The hose that she'd carefully put on so straight Held most of her skirt, and displayed her back gate.
She met first with the director, who introduced her around To her would-be colleagues, who were rather astound To see a woman so open in a corporate setting They probably wondered what they would be getting.
She got a good tour of the HR department And never once wavered in her skills and deportment She interviewed with four directors that day And she was sure a job offer was on its way
As she walked to the lobby what did she hear? An offensive comment on the shape of her rear! She turned to the janitor, the fellow so fresh And it was he who informed her of her exposure of flesh
At first she couldn't believe it was true. She very nearly right there came completely unglued But the pride she had left wouldn't let her cry She would have to drive home and then she could die.
So with head held high and hands held low, Modem left Coca-Cola and not at all slow People had aleady seen her brown behind It was way too late to pay it much mind.
And our girl walked out not nearly so peppy She stopped drinking Coke and started drinking Pepsi And on the day her rejection note came She sent back a letter in much the same vein
"Thanks for your time, it was really my pleasure Though I didn't succeed by the usual measure I believe I have proven that I have too much class To work for some folks who won't cover my ass,"