While politicians and developers lust after the chance to spend billions in tax dollars on the 2012 Olympic Games, taxpayers in potential host cities seem to think the only way for them to "win" is by losing the games to another unlucky city.
Matthew Lynn of London says:
The 2012 Games are still up for grabs. London, Paris, New York, Madrid and Moscow should each run such inept campaigns that the prize is certain to go to another city. As a Londoner, I'm pleased to say, my own city is already following that advice. http://quote.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000039&refer=columnist_lynn&sid=aznBwr3ab48w#Not so fast there you Artful Olympics Dodger you. Our campaign in New York must be WAY lamer than yours. The British are known for the humor and sexiness of their ads. So Matthew, I wish you and your city all the best! May your campaign be slick and effective.
Fortunately, our local ad campaign is one of the lamest ever conceived and a near total waste of $20 million in tax revenue (while our schools have no toilet paper). Behold the lame-ness of this ad:
And we have plenty more like it! Dark colors on a black background. Each word in a different color so it doesn't read easily. An unintentional implication that we may cheat. And many of these ads are turned 90-degrees to the ground. Now that's lame!
So enjoy hosting the 2012 Games London. Hopefully you won't end up like Montreal which pays additional taxes to this day for their 1976 games.
Good luck London! :evilgrin: