A week ago yesterday morning, Munch went to the door yowling to go out, even though it was dark and ready to rain. I didn't think much of it, it's an everyday thing here, let cat out, let cat in, over and over. It's just something I've came to accept over the years, I'm a slave to these cats.
So, there he was at the door demanding that it be opened, even though I told him he would get drowned out there, he had to get outside. Sure enough about ten minutes after he went out all hell broke lose and it start to rain heavily.
After a while I figured he'd had enough of the great outdoors, and went to call him in. No Sam, well I thought he's not ready and it is still raining.
One hour, no Sam. Two hours, no Sam. The hours turned into a day, and I found myself with one ear on the door all the time listening for Munch to tell me he was home.
Days passed, I was getting ready to write Sam off, the other kitties were creating a new hierarchy of ear scratching and belly rubs, and even though I could feel that empty spot, I was coming to acceptance, and thinking about a new kitten next spring.
Which brings us now to the happy part of this tale. Yesterday after supper Marshmallow woman was taking the scraps out to the outdoor cats. When I heard her yelling BABY, BABY. I thought she'd hurt herself and was getting ready to go to her aid, when she came running in with Sam in her arms.
He was purring and meowing, a little skinny, so I prepared the fatted calf for the prodigal, a can of Friskies shredded chicken and salmon his favorite, which he devoured in about thirty seconds.
The only thing I can think of he must have gotten locked in someones garage, probably to get out of the rain, and they didn't open it up for a week.
So now, our little yellow asswipe is home, and things are back to where they were, the empty spot is full, and aside from the obvious all is right in our world. PURRRRR.